It’s GIVING TUESDAY everyone! We love our partners and sponsors and donors that help us be able to do what we do best which is promote literacy and fight childhood hunger EVERY. 👏🏻SINGLE. 👏🏻DAY. 👏🏻because the battle never ends my friends but with your help, we can do our very best to stay in the fight. We have a goal of raising at least $5000 this year which would far surpass any Giving Tuesday in the past but Grandma’s Love has BIG PLANS for 2023 and we need your help to reach them! You can follow the link in our bio to go to our websites donate page and donate through PayPal or you can Venmo us directly @Theresa-Monforte . Please share our posts as well on your social media stories and feeds! We appreciate you!!! #givingtuesday #fundraising #goals #supportlocal #smallcharitybigimpact #bayridge #brooklyn #nyc #fightingchildhoodhunger #promotingliteracy
