Feb 7, 2018Amazon SmileSupport us when you shop for your Valentine. Go to www.smile.amazon.com/ch/47-3474258 and Amazon donates to Grandmas Love Inc....
Nov 1, 2017ThanksGiving Meal BagsIt is that time of year again when Grandma's Love, Inc donates "Thanksgiving Meal Bags" to all our families. This is not possible without...
Sep 15, 2017Welcome- Empire Blue Shield/Blue Cross.We are so excited to work with you in presenting our parents with various workshops and exercise classes in our Sunset Park schools. This...
Sep 15, 2017Welcome Aboard- Liberty ChurchLiberty Church Bayridge! We are so excited for your “Backpack Drive” to help our children in need. We look forward to our packing events...
Sep 15, 2017Annual Thanksgiving Food DriveGrandma’s Love will once again be holding their Annual Thanksgiving Food Drives at the following locations in Bay Ridge: Foodtown 91st...